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What does
UB Global do?

UB Global is the mission arm of United Brethren (UB) in Christ churches in Canada and the United States. For nearly 200 years, we've been working with churches, organizations, and individuals to impact some of the most Gospel-deprived places around the world.

How can Christians get involved unless they're informed & inspired? So we mobilize believers and churches toward better missions together. We do this by inspiring, training, consulting, supporting, and resourcing.

God works through His people. So we send those whom He has called into strategic fields. You can join us through short-term (2-4 weeks), medium-term (1-12 months), internship (1-12 months), and long-term opportunities.

The Great Commission is too big to do alone. So we work in partnership with churches and leaders in nearly 20 countries, encouraging and strengthening their Great Commission efforts. We also partner with strategic like-minded groups such as mission agencies, denominations, etc.

Over 40% of the world is less than five percent Christian; that means over 3.2 BILLION souls who will likely never have the chance to even hear about the Good News! So when we start new missions efforts, we focus on unreached people groups. It's hard work. But it's worthwhile!

Our History

We've been sending missionaries since 1855. Since then, hundreds of cross-cultural workers have served in all parts of the world. Today, UB churches can be found in nearly 20 countries.

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The UB Global Team

Five persons work out of the UB Global office in Huntington, IN. All have specific areas of responsibility as they carry out the national and international ministries of UB Global.

Meet the Team
Our Worldwide Churches

UB Global works alongside the 400-some United Brethren churches which have been established in nearly 20 countries. We desire to see the global Body thrive as they minister in their own communities and multiply disciples across the world.

Our Churches
Our Beliefs & Values

As a part of the United Brethren global body, we stand firm on a few key essentials based on the Bible. In addition, we live by critical missions priorities which guide what we do and where we focus our attention.

The Why Behind Us
The UB Global Board

A team of 8-12 persons from the United States and Canada oversees the work of UB Global.

Meet the Board